Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Farewell Tour

Post-Italy, we were a little down. After having consumed the smuggled cheeses and ravioli, we could no longer revel in Roma but had to get cracking on our research. Jeeyung weighed those dirty diapers and wrote up her report while I persevered through editing process on my short film documentary of a nearby village. For everyone's pleasure, I grew a moustache.

Maybe in that time we were getting provincial -- insular workaholics lamenting the heat and only appreciating one style of moustache. Not to be discouraged we did what we always did in times of need, plan a vacation! Sadly this was to be the last journey in India as our departure was just weeks later. This time we lured our friend Paige into our spicy korma of north Indian delights in Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Agra. Enjoy.

Our fearless travelers at the Adalaj Step Well,
an ornate and cavernous structure stepping deep into the earth.

"Jackie, is that really the only way out?"
That's looking a little iffy!"

Too bad Paige is engaged. He was so dreamy.

Carved marble latis at Sarkhej Roza outside Ahmedabad.

A view of the Lake Palace and the City Palace in Udaipur.

Le Roi de la Moustache.

Carved marble columns at Jain Temple Ranakpur.

Jain Temple Jaiselmer.
Horizontal in Jaiselmer. By the time we made it here I was stricken
twice with G.I. illness. Paige succumbed to the fried rice;
and when Jeeyung was asked how she felt during
her digestive bout post-butter cake, she muttered, "I feel creamy."

Piling into the jeep for the camel safari.


Pinch. Simulated mortar and pestle on camel.

Father and son team who owned and guided our camels.
We camped on the dunes and slept out under the stars.

Wearing their Sunday Best at the Rat Temple.

Elephants at Amber Fort, Jaipur.
Monks hamming it up at the Taj Mahal.

The pinnacle of fuel efficiency and comfort.
A modified rickshaw with a tractor engine.
If anybody's interested in a fluorescent duster, don't worry, he delivers.
A tender moment with some friends.

Please stay tuned for our final entry...


Blogger leigh said...

wow - some of the photos you posted on this entry are just gorgeous - greatly contrasted with the sacred rats.

10:18 AM  
Blogger Andrew Frishman said...

Finally, you two have become worthy of the title of your blog. . . I see that Alex has finally delivered on his threat (a la Justin Timberlake) of "Bringing the Mustache back". . .

Also, I am curious about the picture of Jee Yung with her own fuzzy lip accoutrement. . . did you keep that handy in case challenged? was it also handy for blocking the smell emanating from certain diapers?

In any case, bravo on all of the lippy hirsutedness and welcome home.

8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually checking in from central america to see if you finally posted some sort of denouement. now, we won't give up the secret of your actual location at the moment... can't wait for the final chapter. if nobody else has offered, i'd like to option this blog for a new graphic novel ;)

8:13 AM  

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