Sunday, September 30, 2007

The family at Hadrian's Villa, Tivoli.


After lulling ourselves into a heady coma with the fresh air of idyllic Lake Como, we headed to Rome for a little more hot, a little more grit, and a little more noise. Give us spicy! Are we not Indians, for goodness sake.

We had spent weeks excitedly planning our meeting with Alex’s mom and stepdad in Rome. What we hadn’t known was that Roland and his wife Holly were to surprise us when we arrived! We saw Roland first, and the scene was like the Fonz rolling in on his motorcycle as the crowd applauds. Needless to say, it was a spectacular reunion. We spent time in Rome catching up with each other, while being happily overwhelmed by the barrage of art and history awaiting us at every turn.

"What shall we do today?"

This Bernini elephant greeted us each morning.

The kids explore the Roman forum.

“Give it up for Wes-ches-tuh”

Pretending to sketch, but probably recording bad thoughts.

Alert! Alert! Fake Burberry! Korean tour group at the Forum!

It had been a long time; I looked on longingly and tried to blend in.

Holly, Roland, and Alex on Via dei Fori Imperiali.

Pleased with a lovely dessert.

“I’m a little old lady. Gimme your dessert!”

In a church, on better behavior.

Exploring Michelangelo’s Piazza del Campidoglio.

Alex and mom admiring the ruins of Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli.

Among the ruins of Hadrian’s Villa.

Two old friends explore together, Hadrian's Villa.

Roland dwarfed by the ruins.

A lunch under wisteria in Tivoli.

Spiral staircase at the Vatican Museum.

Hapless tourist falling down the spiral staircase. Vatican Museum, Vatican City.

Hapless tourist falling down an internal stair. Colosseum, Rome.

Only you, hapless tourist, can manage to get yourself wedged between two ionic columns!!

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Tripping over an ancient ruin. Hapless tourist does it again!!

Roland, your head may be stuck in this ancient ruin, but you'll never be as hapless as the hapless tourist!

Two gladiators in a bloody battle at the Colosseum.

Happier times.

Valentino retrospective at Ara Pacis Museum.

What a treat! Dozens of dresses were on display.

Work it!

Ron hacks into the Ara Pacis exhibit computer for a quick round of solitaire.

Strolling in the Borghese Gardens after a visit to the Galleria Borghese's amazing collection of painting and sculpture.

Holly and mom walk through Piazza della Rotonda.

Moonwalking, San Pietro in Vincoli Church.

Discussing the sights of the day at dinner.

Who’s this Italian beauty?

Roland and Holly taking a break in a garden café.

Our last dinner together in Rome.

A stroll at the end of a beautiful week.



Blogger DSK said...

that's enough vacation. now get back to india!

7:10 PM  
Blogger Alex and Jeeyung said...

dsk, I sense a disgruntled worker!

12:01 AM  
Blogger leigh said...

ah yes, the roman, hapless tourist Abbey Road. . . we are confused, where are the cows?

7:56 AM  

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